Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

love him”—of her, of course—applies to a soul mate. Moving
through the five stages ensures that you get an opportunity to
fully know someone and experience the best of that person
before getting married.
Certainly it is possible to be lucky and just get married right
away to someone without going through all the stages, but for
most people, to know they are with the right person and to
ensure that after they get married the passion will be sustained,
it is extremely useful to move through each of the five stages
before getting married.
If you have perfected all the dating skills presented in this
book, it does not mean that you can take any relationship
through the five stages of dating and get married and live
happily ever after. But by applying these insights you will gain
the ability to recognize and find the right person for you and
assist that person in recognizing you.

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