Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 Bible

(Ben Green) #1


Chapter 3: Installing SQL Server


  1. Verify that you can run and load unsigned PowerShell scripts and fi les. In the
    PowerShell command line, type get-executionpolicy to verify the current execu-
    tion policy. If it is not set to RemoteSigned, you need to change it to this value
    by executing the following command:
    Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

  2. Next, load the PowerShell function in the script fi le by executing the following

Notice the. and blank space before the script fi le path. The. and blank space is a
required character to dot-source the script fi le.

  1. Verify that the function has been loaded by issuing the following command:
    get-command Install-Sql2012

A single row is returned showing CommandType Function and Name Install-Sql2012.

  1. At this point you are ready to invoke the PowerShell function you just loaded.
    Invoke the Install-Sql2012 as follows:
    Install-Sql2012 -Param1 Param1Value -Param2 Param2Value

For example, the following command invokes the Install-Sql2012 function and sets the
SQL Server service account and password along with the Instance Name and initiates a SQL
Server 2012 installation.

Install-Sql2012 -Path d:\ -ServiceAccount "winserver\Administrator"
-ServicePassword "P@ssword"
-SaPassword "P@ssword"
-InstanceName "MyInstanceName"

The SQL Server 2012 installation path may differ depending on your installation media.

Figure 3-15 shows the PowerShell command-line window with the steps necessary to invoke
the Install-Sql2012 function.

A community-based project called SPADE that automates SQL Server installations using PowerShell is available for down-
load at For more information about this project visit

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