Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 Bible

(Ben Green) #1


Part I: Laying the Foundations

PowerShell command line.

Post Installation Tasks
After SQL Server 2012 is installed, additional settings need to be confi gured and tasks
need to be completed to have a production-ready server. Some of these settings are geared
toward fi ne-tuning the SQL Server instance for optimal performance. Other settings and
tasks are geared toward securing, auditing, and monitoring the SQL Server instance.

Two important server property settings include maximum and minimum server memory. By
default, SQL Server is confi gured with a minimum memory of 0MB and a maximum memory
of 2147483647MB (2TB), as shown in Figure 3-16.

The consequences of leaving the default values for these two settings is sometimes
misunderstood and often overlooked. The minimum server memory setting specifi es the
amount of memory that will not be released back to the operating system by SQL Server

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