Model Marriage by Bishop Dag Heward Mills

(Darren Dugan) #1

Chapter 28

Introduction to Sexual Happiness

During these counselling sessions, we will attempt to show you that sex is beautiful, sex is holy
and that God talks about sex.^1

It is described in the Bible. The Bible has a lot to say about sex. Sex was created by God and
not by the devil. Sex has been so misused and perverted by the devil and the world that, the
impression has been created that sex is ugly and sinful. We are learning from this study that on
the contrary, sex is God’s wonderful creation. When practised within the confines of God’s will,
sex can only lead to more joy and peace in the marriage.^2

Sexual intercourse can be very pleasurable and enjoyable to both men and women. However,
it is an art that must be learnt and developed. Sex is not about scoring 10 out of 10 for your
performance, it is about having fun with your partner and showing care. So couples should relax
and be prepared to learn about a new world.

To achieve this, you should first have a loving and comfortable relationship. In an atmosphere
of love and trust, you are free to shed all inhibitions and open up completely to your partner

Sex enhances the love between the husband and the wife. It brings couples close together.
Most hard feelings melt during and after sex.

Why commit fornication when you can commit love?
Regular sex is a privilege for the born-again Christian couple. It is God’s gift to you, from the
day you marry till your old age. Make use of this gift.

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