Exciting Sex
Fig. 24: The Backpass Position
Different positions have different levels of comfort, convenience and pleasure and couples
should feel free to do whatever they both enjoy. This makes them give full expression to their
mutual love in the sexual experience.
Never at any time should one force the other to do anything that he or she does not want to do.
Love does not force.^6
No party should limit or hinder love play and place restrictions on the different positions,
styles and actions. The unadventurous and unexciting partner will eventually drive away the
- Joshua Adjabeng, Love and Sex in Marriage(Accra, Ghana: Olive Publications, 2001), 29 - 30.
- William Glahn and Sandra Cutler, Sexual Intimacy in Marriage(Grand Rapids, Michigan:
Kregel Publications, 1988), 213. - Ed and Gaye Wheat, Intended for Pleasure(Grand Rapids, Michigan: Fleming H. Revell,
2000), 86 - 87, 210. - Clifford and Joyce Penner, Restoring the Pleasure (Nashville, Tennessee: Word
Publishing Group, 1993), 179 - 183,190 - 191. - Funmi Akingbade, Sexual Intimacy in Marriage(Nigeria, n.c.: Evangel Publishers Ltd.,
2000),100. - Jimmy Evans, Marriage on the Rock(Amarillo, Texas: Majestic Media, 2004), 256 - 7.