Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management, 5th Edition

(Martin Jones) #1
chapter 14 | Your Nursing Careerr 229

résumé about your formal nursing education. Here
is your opportunity to relate specific courses or
clinical experiences you enjoyed, academic honors
you received, and extracurricular activities or
research projects you pursued. The background
questions are an invitation for employers to get to
know you. Be careful not to appear inconsistent
with this information and what you say later.

Professional Questions

Many recruiters are looking for specifics, espe-
cially those related to skills and knowledge needed
in the position available. They may start with

questions related to your education, career goals,
strengths, weaknesses, nursing philosophy, style,
and abilities. Interviewers often open their ques-
tioning with words such as “review,” “tell me,”
“explain,” and “describe,” followed by such phrases
as “How did you do it?” or “Why did you do
it that way?” (Mascolini & Supnick, 1993).
How successful will you be with these types of
When answering “how would you describe” ques-
tions, it is especially important that you remain spe-
cific. Cite your own experiences, and relate these
behaviors to a demonstrated skill or strength.

Figure 14.4Sample acceptance letter.

5734 Foster Road
Middleton, Indiana 46204
May 2, 2009
Ms. Martha Berrero
Human Resources Manager
All Care Nursing Center
4431 Lakeside Drive
Middleton, Indiana 46204
Dear Ms. Berrero:

I am writing to confirm my acceptance of your employment offer of May 1. I am delighted to be joining All
Care Nursing Center. I feel confident that I can make a significant contribution to your team, and I appreciate
the opportunity you have offered me.
As we discussed, I will report to the Personnel Office at 8 a.m. on May 15 for new employee orientation. I will
have the medical examination, employee, and insurance forms completed when I arrive. I understand that the
starting salary will be $33.10/hour with full benefits beginning May 15. Overtime salary in excess of 40
hours/week will be paid if you request overtime hours.
I appreciate your confidence in me and look forward to joining your team.
Sincerely yours,

Delores Wheatley
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