Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management, 5th Edition

(Martin Jones) #1

230 unit 3 | Professional Issues

Examples of questions in this area include the
following (Bischof, 1993):

■What is your philosophy of nursing? This
question is asked frequently. Your response
should relate to the position you are seeking.
■What is your greatest weakness? Your greatest
strength?Do not be afraid to present a weak-
ness, but present it to your best advantage, mak-
ing it sound like a desirable characteristic. Even
better, discuss a weakness that is already apparent
such as lack of nursing experience, stating that
you recognize your lack of nursing experience

but that your own work or management experi-
ence has taught you skills that will assist you in
this position. These skills might include organi-
zation, time management, team spirit, and com-
munication. If you are asked for both strengths
and weaknesses, start with your weakness, and
end on a positive note with your strengths. Do
not be too modest, but do not exaggerate. Relate
your strengths to the prospective position. Skills
such as interpersonal relationships, organization,
and leadership are usually broad enough to fit
most positions.

5734 Foster Road
Middleton, Indiana 46204

May 2, 2009
Ms. Martha Berrero
Human Resources Manager
All Care Nursing Center
4431 Lakeside Drive
Middleton, Indiana 46204
Dear Ms. Berrero:
Thank you for offering me the position of staff nurse with All Care Nursing Center. I appreciate your taking the
time to give me such extensive information about the position.
There are many aspects of the position that appeal to me. Jefferson Corporation is an excellent provider of
health care services throughout this area and nationwide. However, after giving it much thought, I have decided
to accept another position and must therefore decline your offer.
Again, thank you for your consideration and the courtesy extended to me. I enjoyed meeting you and your staff.
Sincerely yours,

Delores Wheatley

Figure 14.5Sample rejection letter.
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