Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management, 5th Edition

(Martin Jones) #1

12 unit 1 | Professional Considerations


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“You will have to try harder to reach her. Maybe you could stay past the end of your shift one
morning and meet with her,” suggested Jan. “If something happens when you are the only nurse on
the unit, you will be held responsible.”
1.In your own words, summarize the problem that Jan and Ronnie are discussing. To what extent is
this problem due to a failure to lead? Who has failed to act?
2.What style of leadership was displayed by Ronnie and the nurse manager? How effective was their
leadership? Did Jan’s leadership differ from that of Ronnie and the nurse manager? In what way?
3.In what ways has Ronnie been an effective follower? In what ways has Ronnie not been so effective
as a follower?
4.If an emergency occurred and was not handled well while Ronnie was the only nurse on the unit,
who would be responsible? Explain why this person or persons would be responsible.
5.If you found yourself in Ronnie’s situation, what steps would you take to resolve the problem? Show
how the leader characteristics and behaviors found in this chapter support your solution to the problem.
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