Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1
picture captions, setting, 979
pictures, inserting, 979
previewing, 977
templates for, 977
time range, specifying, 974
zooming in/out, 978
calling contacts, 657
Cancel Assignment button, 733
capitalization, 118-119. See also uppercase
changing, 439
searching for, 266
Caption button (Publisher), 979
captions, 812, 829, 836, 979
Card button, 662
card stock, printing cards on, 950
Card view (contact records), 660, 662
cards. See also postcards
color schemes, applying, 954, 957
creating, 952, 954
greeting lines, inserting, 972
layout, changing, 953
layout settings, 950
navigating, 956
orientation, changing, 955
page size, setting, 950
placeholder text, 956
printing contacts as, 667
printing on card stock, 950
size, changing, 955
suggested text, inserting, 956
templates for, 950, 952, 953
text formatting, 959
cascading workbook windows, 243, 251
case, 118-119
changing, 439
searching for, 266
catalog merge, 964
catalog templates, 964
categories. See galleries
category axes in charts, 463
Cc field, 599, 658
cell addresses, 463
cell groups, 261
Cell Margins button, 159
Cell Styles gallery, 316-317
cells, Word table
borders, 162
deleting, 153
inserting, 153
merging, 153, 155
setting width of, 159
shading, 162
splitting, 154

cells, worksheet. See also ranges
absolute references, 294, 307
active, 260-261, 349
aligning, 318
borders, 312, 314
contiguous, in formulas, 290
copying, 258, 261
deleting, 238, 240
deleting contents/formatting of, 311
entering data in, 256, 258
filtering. See filters, Excel
finding sum of, 286
formatting, copying, 258, 260
individual, selecting, 260
inserting, 238, 240
monitoring values in, 303, 304
moving, 238, 240
moving to, 260
noncontiguous, adding to formulas, 290
noncontiguous, formatting, 314
number formatting in, 319
pasting formulas in, 291
references, 294-295, 301
shading, 312-314, 324
visible, summarizing, 355, 357
Center button (PowerPoint), 438
Center button (Word), 125, 129, 143, 189, 198
Center Tab button (Word), 148
centering text, 121-122, 125, 143
with Click And Type, 121
in header/footers, 189
keyboard shortcut for, 121, 143
in tables, 155
in WordArt objects, 198
certification, xii, xvi
Change Case button (PowerPoint), 439
Change Colors button (PowerPoint), 460
Change Colors gallery (PowerPoint), 460
Change Shape button, 913
Change Shape gallery, 913
Change Styles button (Word), 101, 104
Change Template dialog box (Publisher), 876
Change View button, 622, 738
Change View gallery, 619, 736, 738
changes, redoing/undoing, 270, 402
chapter thumb tabs, xix
character formatting, 438. See also fonts; text
appropriate use of, 119
bolding, 18-19, 113, 148, 311, 313, 439
case, 118
clearing, 118, 439
copying, 114, 173, 258, 260

character formatting 989

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