Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

character formatting (continued)
for individual characters, 439
in Publisher, 901
underlining, 113, 149
character spacing, 111
changing, 117, 439
Character Spacing button (Publisher), 907
Character Spacing list, 439
character styles, 100, 130. See also Quick Styles
characters, non-printing, 53, 56. See also
formatting marks
Chart button (PowerPoint), 462
adding to slides, 462
associated Excel worksheets, 462
category axes, 463
copying Excel data, 466
data markers, 463
data points, 463
data series, 256-258, 276, 463
editing data, 467
entering data, 464
excluding data from, 466
hiding data, 466
legends, 463
selecting for automatic updates, 468
series axes, 463
sizing, 467
switching rows/columns, 469
tick-mark labels, 463
value axes, 463
chatting. See instant messages
Check Accessibility tool (PowerPoint), 503
Check Address dialog box, 656
Check Compatibility tool (PowerPoint), 503
Check Names dialog box, 600
checkerboard transition, 479
checking spelling, 42, 269, 272, 412, 415, 520
adding new words to dictionary, 269, 272
with AutoCorrect, 88-89
with shortcut menu, 88, 90
with Spelling and Grammar dialog box, 88
turning off, 412
typos, 63
Choose A File Or A Set Of Files To Insert dialog
box (OneNote), 575
Choose A SmartArt Graphic dialog box
(PowerPoint), 456
Choose Document To Insert dialog box
(OneNote), 572
circles, drawing, 933
CLEAN UP paragraphs, xx
Clear All Formatting button (PowerPoint), 439, 441
Clear Formatting button (Word), 118

filters, 350-353
formatting, 118, 439
table styles, 323
validation rules, 363
Click And Type
centering text with, 121
clip art. See also graphics; pictures
borders, adding, 925
free from, 448
icons for, 922
image information, viewing, 922
inserting, 168, 174, 920
inserting in notes, 569
inserting in slides, 448
keywords, editing, 923
overview of, 919
restricting searches for, 924
saving, 174
searching for, 174, 452, 919-920
styles, applying, 925
Clip Art button (PowerPoint), 448, 452
Clip Art button (Publisher), 920
Clip Art button (Word), 168, 174
Clip Art task pane (PowerPoint), 448, 452
Clipboard, 66, 72, 401, 405
clippings (OneNote), 579
adding to notebooks, 581
capturing, 581
displaying, 582
options for, 580
sending to new page, 581
cloning contact records, 645, 653
Close button, xxviii, xxxvi, 5, 757, 764, 801
Close button (Excel), 467
Close button (OneNote), 557
Close button (Word), 48, 51
Close Header and Footer button (Word), 190, 216
Close Master Page button (Publisher), 977, 982
Close Print Preview button, 786
Close Task Pane button (PowerPoint), 378
Access 2010, 757
Clipboard task pane, 72
database objects, 773
databases, 757
dialog boxes, 12
documents, 48, 51
Help window, xxviii, xxxvi
master pages, 982
program window, 750
programs, 5
tables, 757, 764, 801
collaborating on OneNote notebooks, 543

990 character spacing

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