Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

508 Chapter 17 Review and Deliver Presentations

Setting Up Presenter View
If your computer can support two monitors, or if you will be presenting a slide show
from your computer through a projector, you might want to check out Presenter view.
In this view, you can control the presentation on one monitor while the audience sees
the slides in Slide Show view on the delivery monitor or the projector screen.
To deliver a presentation on one monitor and use Presenter view on another:

  1. Open the PowerPoint presentation you want to set up.

  2. On the Slide Show tab, in the Set Up group, click Set Up Slide Show.
    The Set Up Show dialog box opens. When your computer is set up to use
    multiple monitors, the settings in the Multiple Monitors area are active.

  3. In the Multiple Monitors area, click the Display Slide Show On arrow, and then
    in the list, click the name of the monitor you want to use to show the slides to
    your audience.
    The slides will display full-screen on the specified monitor.

  4. Select the Show Presenter View check box, and then click OK.

  5. With the title slide of the presentation active, switch to Slide Show view.
    The title slide is displayed full screen on the delivery monitor, and Presenter
    view is displayed on the control monitor. As the presenter, you can see details
    about what slide or bullet point is coming next, see your speaker notes, jump
    directly to any slide, black out the screen during a pause in the presentation,
    and keep track of the time.

  6. On the control monitor, use the Presenter view tools to control the

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