Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1

(^) Les Brown
I remember reading your first book, Live Your Dreams. This
bestseller is h elping people even today. Can you tell us what you’re
trying to say in this book and why it is important?
What I ’m doing in Live Your Dreams is challenging people to look
at th eir situation and ask themselves some crucial questions. Is life
working for me? Is it really giving me what I want?
When most p eople get out of high school, they end up doing things
th at other people want them to do. Albert Schweitzer was asked a
question, “What’s wrong with humankind today?” He replied, “Men
simply d on’t think.” He meant that statement in a generic sense. Men
and women simply don’t challenge themselves to think about what i t is
th at really makes them happy and gives their lives a sense of meaning,
purpo se, power, and value.
I want to challenge people to think about what it is that really gives
th eir lives a sense of meaning and power. Once you determine that,
as sess yourself. What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses?
What is it you bring to the table of life? What help? What assistance?
What training? What education? What resources? What do you have to
tap into that will help you to become the kind of person that can
produce those results?
Then next is to commit yourself. Don’t ask yourself, “How am I
going to do it?” The “how” is none of your business—what is most
important is to get started—the how will come. The way will come.
Everything you need to attract—the people, the resources, and the
assistance—will come to be available at your disposal.
What do you think about goal-setting? There has been so much
written about it lately.

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