Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1
Mastering the Art of Success

Investment Money Mountain or Internet. We d on’t care which way you
do. There are some basic principles. One is you’ve got to live below your
means and anoth er is that you’ve got to save 10 percent of your
income. Well, if you just save one dollar a day, over a lifetime that’s
$25,000. With 10 percent interest its $2,750, 000 and at 20 percent
interest do you know h ow m uch it turns into? One billion dollars.


Now, can you get your kids to start saving like I’ve got mine saving?
The answer is yes. We’re saying that it is a fundamental principle that
everybody has got to make themselves wealthy. You’ve got to become
self-reliant to action.

You know, when you appear on such shows as Oprah, CNN, and The
Today Show, you assure people that, and I ’m quoting you now, “You
can easily create the life you deserve.” Can you tell us what you
mean by that?

Well, first of all I don’t think anyone should live in poverty housing
anymore. Next year, October of 2004, I am one of the spokespeople f or
Habitat for Humanity and we’re going to end poverty housing in
America. Our vision is to create 30,000 new homes. We ask everybody
in the audience to go to our website and ask everybody to contri bute.
What’s amazing is that we’ve got the little soccer leagues th at are
contributing, the little football leagues and the carpenters and the
plumbers are contributing, no one ever asked them. Yet you and I grew
up in a country that believes in barn raisings. Remember when 100
years ago? If a barn was going up and you were my neighbor, I’d a sk you
to come up and we’d whip this barn up. It was my barn, but I didn’t pay
you, we had a big party and everybody was happy? Well that’s the same

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