Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1
Mark Victor Hansen

th ing that Habitat is doing, except it’s saying, “Hey look, the lowest
element of society hasn’t got a chance unless we give them a house.
We’re only short 30,000 houses. I’m s aying I’m going to get 1,000,000
people to come out in October and play. No one has ever done that. It’s
not going to be fun, it’s going to be exquisitely fun and we’re going to
solve the housing problem in America. Once you’ve got a prototype
th en we can go solve the housing problem in the rest of the world. Can
we bring capitalism to the world? Yes. Can we bring enlightenment to
the world and not eradicate illiterates, but eradicate illiteracy which we
have a big problem with in America. I already told you that Dave Barry
and the boys and girl are trying to do that, and I’m supportive of that.
I’m s aying that the big q uestion that you are asking and that everybody
reading this has to get is can you get your future days paid off?
Meaning that once you’re financially self-sufficient so you can go do
something that’s really important. Once you do something that’s really
important—what we’re teaching in the book is that you’ve got to have
multiple streams of incomes so that y ou never have to worry because
everything changes and pu lsat es. My teacher when I was in grad school
said, “There are no straight lines there is only wave propagation.” So
you’ve got to have multiple sources of residual income, meaning I
worked once but I’ve been paid almost 1 00 million times on Chicken
Soup. That’s the right way to get paid.

Mark, you’ve been called o ne of the Top 10 Motivational Speakers.
In the year 2000, the Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished
Americans honored you with the prestigious Horatio Alger Award. Do
you think success is more attainable f or those who are entrepreneurs?

That’s a great question. Entrepreneur means a lot of different th ings.
It means somebody that takes self-init iative to action, so the answer is
yes. It means somebody that doesn’t believe in entitlement, so the
answer is yes. It means somebody that knows there is always a way to
do it, so the answer is yes.

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