Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1
Mark Victor Hansen

said, “I want you to bring in 100 patients, adjust them f or free, call 800-
Give-Life (that’s the Red Cross) and bring out a little blood mobile, and
ask them f or a pint of blood.” I said, “If you ask they ’ll give it and have
th em bring in a friend, you’ll have a new patient.” Everybody’s practice
went up because people love people who give. I think that y ou and I and
everyone were coded in our DNA and RNA to give. Now if you
do n’t give—I’m writing a book with Art Linkletter n ow called How to
Make th e Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life—and the biggest of the
four big keys are that you’ve got to have a cause bigger than you are.
In other words, if you retire to nothing you die inside. But if y ou start
giving to a cause bigger than yourself, and I’m saying that idea tithing
is a cause everyone is willing to give to because ideas don’t cost
anything, but that’s all that anything is. This interview that we’re doing
was your idea before you called me.

It has been written that Mark Victor Hansen is an enthusi astic
crusader of what ’s possible and is driven to make the world a better
place. Of course, we’ve found that out in what you’ve said here today,
but could you give our readers and me some practical advice how to join
you in making the world a better place?

I’m desperately trying to do that. What I want them to do is come to
my live sem inar, shake my hand, let me sign a book to them and give
th em a directional cue, whether it’s Habitat or that I give blood every
quarter. Now I’ve got my 16-year-old in high school signed up to give
blood. She said, “Do you really do this every 56 days dad?” I said,
“Yes. If I’m in the country I do.” You know, if you go into China or
some other countries you can’t give blood until six months later. She
said, “Do you want me to do that?” I said, “You’re not doing it for
me. The highest form of giving is a nonymous and you’re going to save
the lives of people who will never know you.” The bottom line is one
of my idea tithes is that I hope you give your body parts away after
you are done because someone needs your eyes, your heart and your
skin. That’s my belief.

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