Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1
Mastering the Art of Success

You’re known as a passionate philanthropist and humanitarian
working tirelessly for organizations that you’ve mentioned such as
Habitat for Humanity, American Red Cross, March of Dimes and
ChildHelp USA. How does h elping others who cannot help themselves
figure into the success equation?
Well, the spiritual line is that to him or her much is given much is
required. I wrote a whole book called The Miracle of Tithing.
Anyone who goes to my w ebsite and wants it I’ll sign it to them. But
what we teach in it is different than anyone else. I think that God gave
me the commissi on to teach people to give. How do you get p eople to
give? I think there are for t’s to get p eople to give. Everyone knows
about Treasures, but I think there are three that precede it. The first is
that you’ve got to Tithe your thinking. If you have 10 great ideas are
you willing to give one of them to a church or charity?
I’ve never thought about that.
No one thinks about it. I’m going to tell you if you go to my website
you can download it fr ee. It’s Idea Tithing. The other three are thinking,
which is more important than the other three, I thin k, your Time, your
Talent, and then your Treasures. I’m asking you to help with Habitat
come next October, and you’ll do it and bring your kids and it’ll be a
great time, but the thinking is where the deal i s because the thinking is
the ultimate leverage.
So the point is that when I was with the Red Cross they ran out of
blood four years ago. Ms. Dole, Elizabeth Dole, says, “Look Mark,
there’s no blood. We need 300,000 pints.” I said, “We’ll have it in a
week.” She had to get the AMA to write it off and okay it because I went
to the chiropractor s, who I do a lot of work with and they’ve given me
three honorary doctorates, and I did a fax blast to 60,000 doctors and

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