Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1
Yvonne Bryant J ohnson

Chapter Fifteen

Defining Life’s Moments

Today I’m speaking with Irene Martina. At the age of nine, Irene was
ta ught to use her intuitive gifts to read cards. Although she enjoyed
reading for family and friends, she never thought it had the potential to
become a career. As Irene pursued her business career(s) she knew
th at her intuiti on was becoming more powerful because she was
applying it to her daily lif e. F inally, in 199 5, e xhausted and burnt out
fr om the corporate world, she knew she had to return to her God-given
talents where her passion and destiny really were meant to be.
Since that time she has written six books, created products,
published poetry, and has acquired clients from all over the world,
many of whom have been with her for many y ears. One of her books,
Dream Talk, has gained her the reputation of being a “Dream Expert.”
One of Irene’s most fervent passions is to help p eople understand the
power of dreams and their meanings.
Having a Bachelor of Commerce degree and three years of Industri al
Accounting has made Irene very comfortable doing readings for
professional people. Her clients include the medical profession,
engineers, lawyers, b ankers, and corporate executives. Before opening
her new career in spiritual and intuitive consulting, Irene spent years in
hotel and business management, hotel and sales consulting, and adult
training. After being very active in Toastmasters for many y ears, she

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