Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1

Mastering the Art of Success

earned the position of being President of her club. Irene has won several
sa les awards and is a past member of CAPS, The Canadian
Association of Prof essional Speakers.
Irene, welcome to Mastering the Art of Success.
Irene, you have a rather unique career. How did it come about for

When I was four years old, my grandfather was babysitting my
younger sister and me. He was fixing shingles on his roof when his very
mean rooster decided I was his target that day while I was playing in
the sandbox. I screamed when the rooster jumped on my head and
started to peck at my eyes. My screaming must have triggered my
grandfather to react and help me but suddenly, I heard a crash and my
sister crying. I got the rooster off me and s aw my grandfather lying on
the ground, apparently his neck was broken. I then saw an apparition
of an aboriginal native who told me to go get help. I am sure no one
believed m y story about the spirit. He returned when I was nine years
old. I learned that h is name was Red Cloud and he became my spiritual
guide and friend into my adult years.
It was when I was nine that my destiny as a psychic reader really
began. At that time, I started having strange and intuitive dreams and
th is was when Red Cloud came back into my life. At some point shortly
after the dreams, two Spanish ladies showed up; they were called “the
aunts.” They had heard about the dreams and decided to test my
in tuitive skills. They were looking for someone to whom they could
pass on the tradition of reading their cards. At that time I did not
realize what an honor was being bestowed upon me. I passed their tests
and then they adamantly told me that my gift was meant to be used
only with a regular playing deck of cards and to never use the Tarot
decks. They, along with my mother, who was also very “gifted,” taught
me many intuition-developing exercises that have served me well in my
readings over the years.
At that same time they also told me that I was the last reader of the
cards and five hundred years of readers would end with me. They told
me that I would not raise any children, which has turned out to be true,

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