Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1
Mastering the Art of Success

I was filled with doubt but I started where I was most comfortab le,
and th at was creating a deck of reading cards that I had used as a child.
The deck is based on the normal playing deck of cards and I tried to
remember what the meanings of all of them were. It seemed daunting
at first but one day in frustration, I yelled. “God, if this is where I am
supposed to go then, by golly, you had better help me with this!” I
walked out of the room to make a cup of tea and I sudd enly f elt a
pr esence behind me. I did not want it to go so I sat at the table bowed
my head and said, “I surrender.” As my tears fell, I had the most
powerful “knowing” come over me. S uddenly I knew what the meaning
of each of the cards were and how I was to use them.
Then I called up friends and co-workers and I started doing free
readings in order to get f eedback and experience. I knew I would be an
inspirational and motivational reader and I knew that I had the
opportunity to change lives with my readings.
My readings are varied in options and all original to me. I always
fo cus on the present and future and just enough of the past to let them
see my accuracy on what I intuit about their younger years. My
ac curacy rate is in the high ninetie s. I have clients all over the world
and I can do a reading on any issue from health, business,
relationships, partnerships, to past lives.
While this was taking place, memories of my past a nd my teachings
flooded back into my life. I knew it would n ot be easy. I knew that I
would face people who would shun me and try to discredit me. I have to
sa y, I was not prepared for the hatred, anger, and pain that has been
inflicted upon me over the years. No matter what, in my heart of
hearts, I believed that I was following my destiny.
We are all on a path and we are the only ones who can help and h eal
ourselves of whatever life brings our way. We cannot deny who or what
we are. For years I have asked hundreds of people in their chosen
professions if they had any doubts about what they had chosen to do
with their lives. One man said to me, “If I were to have denied my
abilities to teach medicine I would not be standing here alive today.” He
th en told me why. S ince then, many others have shared their personal
life stories with me; some have had regrets and some have not. I believe

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