Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1
Irene Martina

and that I could possibly see the end of the world in my lifetime. It was
all quite overwhelming, but being just a child, I did not think much
about it until several years later. Never in my wildest dreams did I
th ink that I would become a medium and clairvoyant. Wanting to fit in
with the rest of the world, I tried my hand at working in the corporate
se ctor.

What made you take the leap from a corporate background into a
world of spiritual teaching?

One night, at a small house party, the hostess asked us all a very
serious question, “If you knew you were going to die soon, would you
have any regret s?” Everyone in the room (twenty-one of us) said yes!
One lady asked me why I did not follow my true calling and that it was
a shame that I was letting my natural ta lents die.
She was right but how, where, when was I to do it? How could I
make a decent living at it? I was afraid a nd I knew I did not have
enough confidence. My mom u se to say, “Honey, y ou have a destiny
and no matter how y ou ‘run’ your life. God knows why you are here. He
does not give you a talent and a calling in life for nothing; do not waste
your unique purpose.”
In 1995, after only three days into a new “great job” with Canada
Trust, I was exhausted. Why was I feeling so disheartened? A few days
later I became sick. I suddenly knew it was because I was not following
what I longed to do—what I was meant to do. My husband totally
supported my going into a home-based business and I started Irene
Martina Consulting and have never looked back.

How did y ou begin? Was there ever a doubt that it would work?

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