Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1

Mastering the Art of Success

her visit I came out of the coma and was able to give the police a good
description of the attackers.
When I was fit enough to go back home to Winnipeg on the train, I
knew my entire life had changed. I was numb, confused, and full of
fear; every night my nightmar es were terrifying. And then, something
happened that saved me and gave me back the will to make it through.
I went up to the dome car of the train expecting to see other
passengers enjoying the scenery. But there wasn’t anyone there and I
knew that I was up there alone for a reason. I chose a seat that h ad a
Times magazine sitting on it. I opened it to an article that apparently
was the most powerful speech Winston Churchill had ever given. The
words Mr. Churchill spoke to me in that moment were. “Never, never
give up!” Suddenly I knew that I was not a victim and that all that
happened to me was pre-planned by me before I was born. But why?
Later in life I knew it was to give others inspiration and to take back
th eir lives and not become victims.
Once back in Winnipeg I soon discovered that I was pregnant as a
result of the rape. I gave up the child. That was the only child I gave
bi rth to and the aunts’ prophecy that I would never raise a child was
I remember my mother te lling me that no one can make me feel any
emotion that I do not want to feel. She said, “I cannot make y ou cry and I
cannot make you laugh. When you do feel an emotion, it is a gift from
your soul.” Emotions are our teachers and the closest thing to our
souls. Emotions teach us about ourselves and they bring healing,
in sight, and trust that can lead us to transformation. Only we are
responsible for our decisions and our mistakes. If you ever have to
make a major decision simply ask: “Is this the right decision?” If you
feel peace, you can know that you have chosen well. If a hundred
questions pop up, then it is n ot the right decision.
As an adult, I have been blessed by my spiritual teachings and
readings because I have learned so much from my struggles. No matter
what life throws at us, we must remain true to our values and authentic

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