Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1

(^) Irene Martina
You have had some pretty heavy life lessons. What do you think you
have learned from these struggles?
I have been blessed to have had some great teachers in my life. My
best friend and t eacher was my mother. She taught me not to be a
quitter thro ugh her strong determination to just survive at times. Her
love for my sister and me was unconditional and she told me to love
others the same way. Her indomitable spirit, inner wisdom, and
compassion have lived on in my heart and mind since she passed in
19 72.
My life experiences have taught me the most. I have learned to trust
the process of my life and that no matter what comes up it is for my
benefit and personal growth. I know I can handle it because I have
chosen the challenge on a soul level. I have learned that you will get f ar
more out of life by not volunteering to be a victim. I have learned that
love will give you far more riches than anything else life has to offer.
But most importantly, I have learned that whatever I want from
anybody in my life, I have to give it first. For instance, if I want
compassion, love, loyalty, trust, truth, and so on, from you, I have to be
willing to give it to you when you need it.
What o ther teachers have been inspirations to you in your work?
I have always been moved by the work of speakers such as Napoleon
Hill, Wayne Dyer, Bob Proctor, and Robin Sharma, to name a few. I
have learned so much from reading great works. Perhaps because of
th em I let myself f eel strong enough to see myself as a spiritual
teacher/adviser who can also inspire, motivate, and help people to
change their lives and to understand the journey of their souls.

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