Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1
Mastering the Art of Success


What do you mean when you talk about “understanding the journey
of their souls”?
The knowledge in my cards covers all aspects of the human
experience; they have a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual
meaning. Thus, when I do a reading, I can focus on any or all of the
gifts the cards offer. For example, I recently had a client who was going
through cancer treatments. Her greatest concern was whether she was
going to be all right, and if she needed to change anything in her
personal life at the present time. My cards offered insights into how
she could do that.
On a deeper level, the cards offer a special message for clients if they
want a more in-depth understanding of their personal journey. For
example, all four of the Aces, two’ s, e tc. have a message called a
Soul Gift and a Soul Lesson. These gifts and lessons bring deeper
insights and understanding that can enhance their life’s contracts. This
helps a person to understand why his or her life may be the way it is or
how the person can make a change.
It is very powerful to understand what each soul is here to learn.
What I mean by this is that each soul/person has come into this world
with a blueprint and contracts to fill with other souls and with
themselves. We have truly volunteered to come here to learn and grow
as spiritual b eing. I believe that we cannot complain about our lot in life
because we, as souls, p lanned our lives in such a way that we will learn
and grow to be the best that we can be. I remind you that we are
“spiritual b eings having a human experience,” so I guess you could say
th at in all our lives, our spirit is running the show. Unfortunately, few
people realize that and this is what I have tried to teach them thro ugh
readings to understand the power in their choices.
The biggest soul message is the Law of Karma, which has been
around for centuries. This is a big part of the journey of our souls. What
we do to others will be done unto us. It makes you realize that it is best
to stop and think before we act—at least it should!

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