Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1
Mastering the Art of Success



  • I do not hide from being who I am. I will not let my “music”
    die within me. I have a unique gift. I have greatness within

  • I am careful not to give away my time or energy because
    that is not serving my potential but rather it is robbing me
    off what I am here to do. My knowledge is power.

  • I live in integrity and I give back to other s. I share without
    expectations and the rewards come back to me in many

  • I believe in the magic of “m e”—my thoughts, my creativity,
    my wisdom and my strength.

  • Whenever I feel stuck, I ask myself what brought me to this
    place and why did I decide to go there.

In closing, there are a few o ther key points I would li ke to make:

Beware of the Law of Attraction! Why? Because it is a neutral law
and it responds to the energy of our thoughts, positive or negative. In
other words, whatever you focus on expands. If you focus on what is
lacking in your life, it remains that way. If you focus on creating a
happy day or positive outcomes, those will just naturally come about.
Gratitude. Every night as I drift off to sleep I try to find at least five
th ings I am grateful for. They can be positive or negative as long as you
acknowledge the lesson given to you in all of them. For instance, I may
have had a miserable day. I can acknowledge that I am grateful for it
because it made me look at my life more closel y. It made me wonder
why I had created that kind of a day. It made me realize that I had
wasted one whole day. I decide to be gentle with myself while
promising that I will do better tomorrow. If you have more negatives
th an positives, it may be time to do some serious soul-searching. I urge
you to get to the point where you can say, “Thank you God f or this day
th at is over!” instead of, “Thank God this day is over.”
Change. I cannot believe how much p eople r esist change. I am n ot
talking about powerful life changes such as major health issues or
deaths, but basic simple changes. For example, I have a friend who does
not li ke to change a thing on her desk, her hairstyle, h er decorating
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