Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1

Mastering the Art of Success

vi rtual toolbox that I can draw on to support my clients. There are
many other teaching tools including many wonderful books; I ’m a
voracious reader.

Some of our readers won’t know about NLP, so will you enlighten

That’s a good point. NeuroLinguistic programming was originally
developed by two researchers, Richard Bandler and John Grinder. It is
based on the work of Milton Erickson who was a hypnotherapist,
Virginia Satir who was a family therapist, and Fritz Perl who had a
background in Gestalt therapy. NLP in its simplest form is a wonderful
set of strategies to help us be more successful in our lives by helping us
lo ok at h ow we use and then process language. It helps us understand
how we see the world, and offers ways that we can shift our
communication strategies and our perspectiv es to create better
understanding of others and more effectively propel ourselves, and
other s, forward.
So it’s a wonderful tool to use when I’m working with people
because it helps me understand very quickly where people are coming
from. Sometimes we get stuck in our heads and we can become
paralyz ed in our problem, whatever that problem is. Possibility
th inking and NLP can help get you unstuck, so it’s very powerful and I
use it a lot. It’s a fabulous strategy to help us achieve what we want, if
you use the right approach.

So how can people start t o develop personal mastery and move
ah ead to master success in their lives?

That’s a great question. I think the first place to start is to become
clear about what y ou want in your life from a holistic perspective. I like
to talk about the wheel of life. The wheel has spokes—a spoke for
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