Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1
Rachel Foster

health, one for family, one for career, one for finances, one for
spirituality, one for contribution, one for relationships, and any other
number of spokes you want to add. You can build your own whee l; it
doesn’t have to be heavy and complicated, it’s just about getting clear
about what you want. Some people like to write this down in a journal,
some people like to draw it, and some people like to make a collage, or a
scrapbook. It’s about creating your vision of where you want to be!
There have been many books written and lots of talk about “vision
boarding.” It’s been around for a very long time; it’s is just anoth er
version of it. It’s about taking time to be clear about what you want and
where you want to go.
The next thing, is about the legacy you are living, which might
sound a bit strange to some people; however, it speaks to how we are
modeling the direction we’re taking in our life rather than what we are
leaving behind. So it’s not about what we say that’s remembered, it’s
about what we do, and h ow we make people f eel.
The questions to ask yourself are: How are you living? How do you
behave? I like to split the word “behave” into two, so Be-Have. S o, h ow
do you Be-have? How do you Be and how do you Have? What n eeds to
shift? When, and where, and with whom? Ask yourself those sorts of
questions, and then start to be clear about who you be. That d oesn’t
mean your title or your role, it speaks to the essence of who you are,
your values, your beliefs, and what ’s important to you.
Then the next piece is to consider the gifts and talents you bring
into the world, and who you serve as you bring those into the world.
Try to expand your ideas around this in terms of the affect you have on
the world by being who you be. Finally, it’s to think about your vision
and your purpose, I find that most p eople and teams fall off track when
th ey lose sight of why they’re here on the planet, and who they be. I
know it ’s not what we usually think about, but it’s important work to
do and very grounding work. It’s especially very grounding work for a
te am to do. I like to think of it like a compass that keeps us on track.
Just be clear you can do any of this work with individuals or with teams
and it’s very, very powerful. That’s the way to start.

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