Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

(backadmin) #1

Theme 3: Culture Influences EI Experiences

responses, culture was related to EI experiences. Organizational culture, occupations and
certain defining moments represent some of the portrayals described in Table 4.7. This
theme’s essence asserts that organizational culture and sub-culture phenomena can
impact the presence and perseverance of EI. The degree to which leaders can leverage
and codify EI within a culture was challenging to varying degrees and surfaced in
different ways.
Table 4. 7

4.7 Representative Theme 3 Statements

Participant Descriptive Code In Vivo Statement
A7 DEFINMOMENT (a specific culture) “points to some problems or lack
of emotional intelligence”
A8 CULTURE “grew up in a culture”
A4 CULTURE “that was a huge culture change for me”
A5 OCCUPATION “I don’t want the word to get out that I’m thinking
about this in this particular way, because somebody else might jump my effort”
A5 CONNECT “if you ... pick up those different mindsets ... good things happen”
A3 CULTURE “discover what adjustments you have to make to that
leadership style to meet the new culture that you’re working in”
A3 OCCUPATION “in a science agency, that doesn’t go very far”
A7 CULTURE “it was good for the organization to have personnel
who understood the organization we would be
dealing with”
R8 CONNECT “that’s not where people fall down in government.
They fall down having a veneer around them”
A7 CULTURE “expose yourself to a (city name) police department
and at the same time a different culture, maybe multiple cultures”
A7 CULTURE “He’s gotten some interesting experiences in a
different culture”

Participant A2



“how do I voice my challenge in the language they
speak? And to me I find that’s always been the best
bridge builder: to meet them on their turf, in their situation”
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