predominantly warThat the closest I could ever get was k-fighting culture – very small tail. ind of
pressing my close to the glass, if you will. So I did everything I could to read about the history of the
(certainly do my best to uphold the values of the organization), understanding the culture – and
(relies on the back roomorganization). They are focused on (-type stuff, especially redacted) and
finance to be done by the few core civilians if you will. There was a lot of responsibility and trust
placed, and that was a good validation point. For lack of a better concept, the E.F. Hutton effect – I
would speak and they would listen (chuckle). And mostly I was right. Having a (title) poke me in the
chest early and say “I don’t ever want to hear that money is a problem.” And that was the only
direction that he gave me. And I made sure that money was never a problem for what the
(asked to take on behalf of the Nation.organization) needed in all the battles they were
Culture (fighting of)
A3 I worked in (early or mid-agency name80s. It was fraud and corruption that ); this was back in the
was occurring in the Federal housing programs not unlike some of the stuff that’s come out in the 2006,
2007 timeframe in terms of unname) is big, they insure mortgages for the Federal derwriting. (Agency
government and they were experiencing a high rate of default and didn’t understand why. I at the time
was a management analyst, deep in the bowels in the organization and somebody had recommended
me to the Assistant Secretary to lead a task force to try to help understand what was going on and why.
And so I got pulled out of the organization as a GS14 and asked to head up this group. And I had daily -
contact with the senior levels owas an interesting lesson in dynamics at the seniorf government. That -
most level of the department. Eventually I got to
(^) Moved to new
(^) Lesson learned
(^) “and so I got pulled out of the
organization ... and asked to head up this group”