Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

(backadmin) #1

solvers. This one helped in particular.
Another one had to do with the closing of aagency. This second one is really a part of ... ( Federal five
second pausemany people in organizations try to build them and ) what you learn in government is that
that requires a certain set of skills. To dismantle an organization is quite different. Not only does it take
a different set of skills, but you quickly find out that the rules of government are not designed to
dismantle organizations. And so, back in 1995 you remember the impasse that we had reached for the
budget between Gingrich and Clinton“contract for America” and, you know, the politics and the
of trying to shrink the size of government unlike what we have today. The rhetoric about – not
doing away with government agencies was in the gun sights and they never really followed– my agency
through except for mine. Mine was the one only statutory agency that was closed ... and I was – the
the stuckee. I was at the time a GSAdministration, (agency name) – bureau director -15 Director of
was gone organization and I had to close it. Lots of issues – I was the career-ranking person in the
about that, we were in government shutwhole basis of closing the organization was -down so the
predicated on funding. We had to close the doors, and they were going to close us through de-funding
us. They onlcarry us for a certain length of time, six months. y had enough money in the budget to
We’re back into the situation where we had a stalemate and the government shut-down. And here
I am, trying to close an agency that was supposed to be out of business. The agency is supposed to be
closed. We’re not supposed to be spending any money. And again, that was a case where I had to
put together a plan and I told them we had to be

(^) Gun sights

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