Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

(backadmin) #1

what the best alternatives are and get them to the point where we could use them and get rid of this
liability. You want to run that for us?” (chuckle) You work for (agency name): how many times does
(something like that? (agency name) go outside (portions of story redactedagency name) for ) I
had background with (Anyway, by the time that was done, we had over agency name) and so on.
200 people working on that. We didn’t succeed. In a sense, we identified what the alternatives might
be. We actually proved that most of the alternatives were not acceptable alternatives. (portions
redactedtogether what amounted to a 1260) What we did do is we provided -page book on the – we put
science one of the constraints, the chemical, the of (device) including applications to every
environmental and so about finding an alternative. And our sponsor – that affect how you’d go
credited us with reinventing the science of (That felt wonderful. But it felt hallow, because with device).
all the effort we put in, all the technical stuff, all the dealing with all the various organizations, the fact is
we didn’t come up with an alternative (Interesting feeling. You never can tell –device that’s a bad ).
sor notable or whatever, there are people who come tatement – whenever you do something that is large
up and slap you on the back. And you have to be able to recognize, which of that gratuitous and
which of it is real? In this case, there was an interesting mixture of both. On the one hand, the
guys who put up the money did not get what they were paid for. They were very – very large in their
praise. I’m thinking about it and it’s clear that it was in fact gratuitous. They couldn’t say they
wasted theithey were after. The other guys, the more r money, but they really didn’t get what – the
bigger picture guys within (agency name) did get

(^) Not successful
“you have to be able to recognize”

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