How the World Works

(Ann) #1

Daly, Herman
Daniels, Ron
Dark Alliance
Darlan, Jean
D’Aubuisson, Roberto
Davos (Switzerland)
Dayan, Moshe
Deadly Deception
death squads. See also Guatemala
in El Salvador
in Latin America
debt. See also international lending
East Asian vs. Latin American
myth of Third World
of US to UN
debt service, deaths due to
“defense.” See Pentagon; Pentagon system; weapons manufacturers
defense against aggression, doctrinal meaning of
de Haan, Jacob
Dellinger, Dave
blows to
common sense vs. doctrinal meaning of
crisis in
Dewey’s view of
elimination of functioning elements
extremes of wealth and
globalization as threat to
“inevitable results of the market” and
Jefferson’s fears for
Madison’s opposition to
media in a democratic society

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