How the World Works

(Ann) #1

opposition to
power vs., in foreign policy
privatizing the media and
real vs. ideal
threat of
in US, designed not to function
US opposition to
wealthy threatened by
welfare state needed for
“democracy assistance project,”
“democracy-enhancing programs,”
“democratic deficit,”
Democratic Party
big business favored by
lack of clarity about class in
Republicans vs. Democrats
Tweedledum and Tweedledee
“democratic theory,”
“democrats,” Jefferson’s definition of
Department of Commerce
Department of Energy
de Tocqueville, Alexis
on equality in US
hypocrisy of
“manufacturing aristocracy” feared by
wealth vs. democracy and
devil, belief in
de Waal, Alex
Dewey, John
Dhaka (Bangladesh)
Dias Parra, Juan de
dictators, US support for
Discovery of India, The
Dismantling the Cold War Economy

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