Brand Management: Research, theory and practice

(Grace) #1

Table 8.1Relationship forms

Relationship form Definition Examples

Arranged marriages Non-voluntary union imposed When married, Karen adopted
by preferences of third party. her husband’s favourite brands
Intended for long-term, exclusive
commitment, although at low
levels of affective attachment

Casual friends/ Friendship low in affect and Karen switches between five
buddies intimacy, characterized by different detergent brands,
infrequent or sporadic buying whatever is on sale
engagement, and few exceptions
for reciprocity or reward

Marriages of Long-term, committed After a move of residence Vicki
convenience relationship precipitated by cannot buy her favourite brand
environmental influence versus of baked beans, which makes
deliberate choice, and governed her reluctantly switch to a
by satisfying rules competing brand

Committed Long-term, voluntarily imposed, This is the relationship form
partnerships socially supported union high in Jean has with the majority of
love, intimacy, trust and brands she uses for cleaning
commitment to stay together and cooking
despite adverse circumstances.
Adherence to exclusivity rules

Best friendships Voluntary union based on a In Karen’s phase of finding her
principle of reciprocity, the feet after a divorce, running
endurance of which is ensured every morning means a lot to
through continued provision of her and has become a symbol
positive rewards. Characterized of her new self. In this
by revelation of true self, connection Reebok has
honesty and intimacy. become a brand that is ‘a best
Congruity in partner images friend’ to Karen
and personal interests common

Compartmentalized Highly specialized, situationally Vicki uses a variety of different
friendships confined, enduring friendships perfume brands to display
characterized by lower intimacy different sides of herself in
than other friendship forms but different situations
higher socio-emotional rewards
and interdependence. Easy entry
and exit

Kinships Non-voluntary union with Vicki and Karen have
lineage ties ‘inherited’ some brand
preferences from their mothers

Rebounds/ Union precipitated by desire At work Karen could choose
avoidance-driven to move away from prior or between a Gateway and an
relationships available partner, as opposed Apple computer. She chose the
to attraction to chosen partner prior because she does not
per se define herself as an Apple

The relational approach 161
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