The six most important facets, when upholding an important relationship are
reflected in the Brand Relationship Quality part of the figure: love/passion, self-
connection, commitment, interdependence, intimacy and brand partner quality.
These are important factors when one evaluates a brand relationship and the sum
of these factors reflects the perceived quality of the relationship.
The relationship quality is, however, also subject to an ongoing interplay
between actions by the brand and the consumer of the relationship. Relationships
Childhood Infrequently engaged, To Jean the Estée Lauder brand
friendships affectively laden relation evokes strong memories of her
reminiscent of earlier times. mother
Yields comfort and security of
past self
Courtships Interim relationships on the Wanting to find the ‘right’
road to committed partnership scent, Vicki and her mother
contract tried out several musk
perfumes before settling for the
Intimate Musk brand
Dependences Obsessive, highly emotional, Appearance is important to
selfish attractions cemented by Karen and she thanks Mary
feeling that the other is Kay and her running routine for
irreplaceable. Separation from her youthful looks. As this
others yields anxiety. High aspect of appearance is crucial
tolerance of other's for Karen’s identity in her
transgressions results transitional phase as recently
divorced, she is highly
emotional and truly loyal to the
Mary Kay brand
Flings Short-term, time-bounded Vicki tries out several trial-size
engagements of high emotional shampoos and conditioners
reward but devoid of
commitment and reciprocity
Enmities Intensely involving Karen has negative feelings
relationships characterized by towards Diet Coke, as she,
negative affect and desire to taking great pride in not having
avoid or inflict pain on the other any weight problems, enjoys
being able to drink Classic
Secret affairs Highly emotive, privately held Karen has Tootsie Pops in her
relationship considered risky if office desk and eats them in
exposed to others secret
Enslavements Non-voluntary union governed Karen uses Southern Bell and
entirely by desires of the Cable Vision, as she has no
relationship partner. Involves other choice
negative feelings but persists
because of circumstances
SourceFournier (1998).
162 Seven brand approaches