Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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492 Part 4: Milk

casein and more whey proteins. The low fat and unique fatty acid
profile of both equine and asinine milk result in low atherogenic and
thrombogenic indices. The high lactose content of equid milk gives
good palatability and improves the intestinal absorption of calcium
that is important for bone mineralisation in children. The renal load
of equid milk, based on levels of protein and inorganic substances,
is equal to that of human milk, a further indication of its suitability
as an infant food. The concentration of lysozyme, lactoferrin and
n-3 fatty acids is exceptionally high in equid milk, suggesting a
potential anti-inflammatory effect. Equine and asinine milk can be
used for their prebiotic and probiotic activity and as alternatives for
infants and children with cow milk protein allergy and other food
While the gross composition of equine and asinine milk has been
reasonably well established and the caseins have been fractionated
and well characterised, the presence ofκ-casein remains a con-
tentious issue and there is little or no information on the physico-
chemical properties of equid milk. The only significant product from
equine milk is the fermented product, koumiss.
The composition of equid milk suggests a product with inter-
esting nutritional characteristics with potential use in dietetics and
therapeutics, especially in diets for the elderly, convalescent and
newborns, but the lack of scientific research must be addressed to
develop the potential of equine and asinine milk in the health and
nutritional markets.


Approximately one-third of all mammalian genera are herbi-
vores, more than half of which belong to two orders, (1) the
Perissodactyla (odd-toed ungulates (hoofed animals)) and (2)
the Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates) (Savage and Long 1986).
The horse and donkey belong to the order Perissodactyla that
has three families: (1) Equidae (nine species of horses, don-
key and zebras), (2) Tapiridae (four species of tapirs) and (3)
Rhinocerotidae (five species of rhinoceros). Uniquely among
species, all Equidae can interbreed, but the hybrid offspring
are almost always infertile because horses have 64 chromo-
somes and donkeys have 62 chromosomes (Trujillo et al. 1962).
Zebras have between 32 and 46 chromosomes, depending on
breed (Burchelli’s zebra,Equus burchelli, has 44 chromosomes,
Carbone et al. (2006) and viable hybrids with donkeys have
been produced where gene combinations have allowed for
embryonic development to birth. Differences in chromosome
numbers between horses and zebras are most likely due to
horses having two longer chromosomes that contain a single
gene content compared to four zebra chromosomes (Benirschke
et al. 1964).
This chapter presents a brief historical overview of some as-
pects of the domestication of equid species, a review of the chem-
istry and biochemistry of the principal constituents of equine
milk and, to a lesser extent, of asinine milk, with comparative
data for bovine and human milk. The technological properties
of equid milk, with reference to processing of the milk are ex-
amined and, finally, a synopsis of the nutritional and biological
significance of equid milks in the human diet is presented.

Equid Evolution

Perissodactyla species evolved during the early Eocene (∼ 55
million years ago) and were the dominant ungulate order un-
til approximately 15 million years ago when numbers declined,
probably due to climatic factors rather than competition with
emerging Artiodactyla species (including the Ruminantia fam-
ily) (MacDonald 2001). Nevertheless, wild equids ranged in vast
herds across the grasslands of the Northern Hemisphere and
in South America until the end of the ice age, approximately
10,000 years ago. Wild horses were the chief prey of increasing
human populations and numbers decreased until they became
extinct in North America approximately 7000 years ago and in
Europe, herds of horses were pushed eastwards into Central Asia
where the last few Przewalski horses (Equus ferus przewalski)
survived until the twentieth century (Clutton-Brock 1992). It
is generally assumed that equids were domesticated approxi-
mately 5000 years ago but archaeologists believe man did not
ride horses until approximately 1000bc, although horses re-
placed the ox as draft animals approximately 2000bc(Clutton-
Brock 1992). One of the early records of the domestic horse
in Western Europe comes from horse remains found at the late
Neolithic site at Newgrange, County Meath, Ireland (Clutton-
Brock 1992). Outram (2009) demonstrated domestication of the
horse in the Eneolithic Botai culture of Kazakhstan approxi-
mately 3500 years ago and analysis of organic residues based on
characterisation of stable isotopes of carbon,δ^13 C (which allows
differentiation of non-ruminant and ruminant carcass and dairy
fats) and deuteriumδD, values of fatty acid analysis revealed
processing of mares’ milk and meat in ceramics at that time.
The donkey (Equus asinus) is believed to have evolved from the
Nubian and Somalian sub-species of African wild asses approx-
imately 4000–5000 years ago and has since been an integral part
of human life as a pack and riding animal. Today, perissodactyls
are a poor second to artiodactyls in terms of numbers of species,
geographical distribution, variety of form and ecological diver-
sity (MacDonald 2001). For further details on equid evolution
and genetic lineages of domestic horse species, see Vilaetal.`
(2001) and references therein.

Equid Domestication

Only five major species of large, plant-eating mammals have
been widely domesticated: sheep, goat, cattle, pig and horse.
Nine additional minor species have been domesticated but are
restricted to certain geographical areas: Arabian and Bactrian
camels, llama, alpaca, donkey, reindeer, water buffalo, yak,
Bali cattle of Southeast Asia and the gaur (mithan) of India
and Burma (Bruns 1999). Despite taxonomic congruity and be-
havioural similarities between equid species, only two equids
have been domesticated: the horse (Equus ferus) and the donkey
(Equus asinus africanus) (Clutton-Brock 1992).
Because milk and products derived from it provide up to 30%
of dietary protein in developed countries, to meet this demand,
man has genetically improved some species for milk production
(Mercier 1986). Domesticated animals have been modified from
their wild ancestors through being kept and selectively bred for
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