Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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40 Separation Technology in Food Processing 777


Pressure regulator
pump and valve

valve (1)

Heater (2)



valve (4)




Temperature controller

Extraction cell


Figure 40.7.Diagram of pressurized low-polarity water extractor. The electrical connections are marked by dashed lines, while the path of
subcritical water is shown by solid line with arrow. The high-pressured water passes through a supply vale (1) into a heating coil (2) and into
an extraction cell (3). The microfilters are placed before and after an eluent valve (4). The extract is collected in a sample collector (5).

organic compounds in superheated water, this medium can be
considered for the extraction and other processes, to replace
conventional organic solvents. But some additional reactions of
the compounds being processed may also occur, by hydrolysis,
oxidation, etc.

Industrial Applications

Using pressurized low-polarity water provides a number of ad-
vantages over traditional extraction techniques (i.e., hydrodis-
tillation, organic solvents, solid–liquid extraction). These are
mainly shorter extraction times, higher quality of the extracts
(mostly for essential oils), lower costs of the extracting agent,
and an environmentally compatible technique. Since water is
perhaps the most environmentally friendly solvent available in
high purity and at low cost, it has been exploited for the ex-
traction of avoparcin in animal tissue (Curren and King 2001),
fungicides in agricultural commodities (Pawlowski and Poole
1998), fragrances from cloves (Rovio et al. 1999), antioxidative
components from sage (Ollanketo et al. 2002), anthocyanins and
total phenolics from dried red grape skin (Ju and Howard 2003),
saponins from cow cockle seed (Guc ̈ ̧lu- ̈Ust ̈ undag et al. 2007), ̈
and other bioactive components from plant materials (Ong and
Len 2003). Some additional successful applications of this tech-
nique are for the extraction of essential oils from various plant
materials (Khajenoori et al. 2009, Mortazavi et al. 2010), extrac-
tion of sweet components fromSiraitia grosvernorii, extraction
of lactones from kava roots, extraction of antioxidant compounds
from microalgaeS. platensis(Iba ́ ̃nez et al. 1999, Ib ́anez et al. ̃
2003, Herrero et al. 2004), extraction ofGinkgo biloba, and
of biophenols from olive leaves (Japon-Luj ́ ́ana and Luque de
Castro 2006).
The quality of the oil obtained is therefore better than that
from steam distillation, as it contains more of the oxygenated

compounds and lower terpene content. The yield is also slightly
higher than from steam distillation, in spite of the fact that all the
terpenes are not extracted. This may be because, at the higher
temperatures and under pressure, the plant material is more ef-
fectively penetrated. However, about twice the amount of water
is required than for steam distillation. Energy costs are much less
than for steam distillation. The energy required to heat a given
mass of water from 30◦C to 150◦C under pressure is one-fifth
of that needed to boil water at atmospheric pressure from 30◦C.
Furthermore, it is possible to recycle most (three-quarters) of the
heat, whereas it is difficult to recycle heat in steam distillation.
Thus, in spite of the fact that twice as much water is needed,
only one-tenth of the energy of a steam distillation is required.
Pressurized low-polarity water extraction has been suggested as
a method to extract valuable health-promoting compounds from
plant materials.

Molecular Distillation

Molecular distillation is a unit operation that is a peculiar case of
evaporation, which happens under extremely low pressures and
low temperatures and is used for the separation of constituents
from mixtures by partial evaporation. It is based on the fact that
the vapor is relatively richer in the component with the highest
vapor pressure, that is, the more volatile component. Distilla-
tion is a process of heating a substance until the most volatile
constituents change into the vapor phase, and then cooling the
vapors to recover the constituents in liquid form by condensa-
tion. The main purpose of distillation is to separate a mixture
into individual components by taking advantage of their differ-
ent level of volatilities. Distillation is one of the main methods of
extracting essential oils from plants. It can be carried out either
as simple distillation or fractional distillation (rectification). In
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