Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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778 Part 7: Food Processing

simple distillation, the vapors are recovered by condensation.
In rectification, successive vaporization and condensation are
carried out simultaneously and a part of the condensed liquid,
called the reflux, flows down the column countercurrent to the
flow of vapors for isolating components from a mixture based on
differences in boiling points. The percentage of each constituent
in the vapor phase usually depends on its vapor pressure at a
certain temperature. The principle of vacuum distillation may
be applied to substances, such as oils, that would be damaged
by overheating by the conventional method (Liu et al. 2008).
Several new methods have been developed for the separation
and recovery of minor components from vegetable oils such as
palm oil (Rodr ́ıguez et al. 2007, Shi et al. 2007c).
Distillation and its companion processes, azeotropic and ex-
tractive distillations, are by far the most widely used separation
processes for mixtures that can be vaporized. Vapors are gener-
ated from liquids or solids by heating and are then condensed
into liquid products. However, many mixtures exhibit special
states, known as azeotropes, at which the composition, temper-
ature, and pressure of the liquid phase become equal to those of
the vapor phase. Thus, further separation by conventional distil-
lation is no longer possible. By adding a carefully selected other
component as an entrainer to the mixture, it is often possible
to “break” the azeotrope and thereby achieve the desired sepa-
ration. In azeotropic distillation, a compound is added to form
an azeotrope with at least one of the components of the mix-
ture. That component can then be more readily separated from
the mixture because of the increased difference between the
volatilities of the components. Extractive distillation combines
continuous fractional distillation with absorption. A relatively
high-boiling solvent is used to selectively scrub one or more
of the components from a mixture of components with simi-
lar vapor pressures. Distillation processes are also widely used
for the separation of organic chemicals, usually at cryogenic

Separation Processes in Distillation

When vacuum is applied, there are three major reduced pres-
sure ranges that can be utilized for distillation: (a) distillation at
moderate vacuum or equilibrium distillation, (b) unobstructed
path distillation, and (c) molecular distillation. Distillation at
moderate vacuum is characterized by the use of conventional
distillation equipment as shown in Figure 40.8. Its lowest pres-
sure limit is of the order of 1 Torr, that is, 1 mm Hg. Unobstructed
path distillation is defined as distillation in which the path be-
tween the evaporator and the condenser is not blocked, in other
words there is a free transfer of molecules (Eckles and Benz
1992). When the transfer distance is comparable with the mean
free path of the vapor molecules, the distillation is known as
molecular distillation.
Mean free path is defined as the average distance a molecule
will travel in the vapor phase without colliding with another va-
por molecule (Eckles et al. 1991). This implies that, in molecular
distillation, the vapor molecules can reach the condenser with-
out intermolecular collisions. A dynamic equilibrium can not
be established between the vapor and the liquid. An individual

Figure 40.8.Molecular distillation system.

molecule that has evaporated will be able to travel any distance
without a collision.
Molecular distillation occurs at low temperatures and, there-
fore, reduces the problem of thermal decomposition. High vac-
uum also eliminates oxidation that might otherwise occur in the
presence of air. Unobstructed path and molecular distillations
are often classified together as short-path or high-vacuum dis-
tillation. The difference is in the dimensions and operating con-
ditions. Unobstructed path distillation is carried out at pressures
as low as 10−^2 Torr, while in molecular distillation pressures
of 10−^3 Torr, that is, a mTorr, are used. Another useful distinc-
tion between the methods of vacuum distillation can be made
with reference to the way in which the vapor phase is formed:
(a) Ebullition, (b) evaporative distillation, and (c) molecular
Ebullition is accompanied by the formation of bubbles when
the saturated vapor pressure exceeds the pressure of the sur-
rounding gas. The only limit to the rate of evaporation in this
case is the rate at which heat can be transferred to the liquid.
Evaporative distillation occurs when the pressure of the sur-
rounding gas is higher than the vapor pressure of the liquid at a
given temperature, so that bubbles are not formed. The rate of
evaporation is controlled by the temperature of the liquid and
the conditions above the liquid surface. In molecular distilla-
tion, the rate of evaporation is controlled by the rate at which
the molecules escape from the free surface of the liquid and
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