Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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40 Separation Technology in Food Processing 779

condense on the condenser. The condenser should be in the
immediate vicinity of the evaporating surface. When an appre-
ciable number of collisions can occur in the vapor space, some
of the molecules will return to the liquid. This leads to a de-
crease in the number of molecules that reach the condensation
High-vacuum distillation may be used for certain classes of
chemical compounds that decompose, polymerize, react, or are
destroyed by conventional distillation methods. Low cost per
pound and high throughput may be obtained on certain groups of
compounds such as vitamins, epoxy resins, highly concentrated
pure fatty acids, plasticizers, fatty acid nitrogen compounds, and
a host of other heat-sensitive materials, which may require only
deodorizing and decolorizing (Spychaj 1986, Batistella et al.
2002a,b, Cermak et al. 2007, Shao et al. 2007, Compton et al.
2008). High-vacuum distillation is a safe process to separate
mixtures of organic or silicon compounds, most of which can
not withstand prolonged heating without excessive structural
change or decomposition. With short residence times and lower
distilling temperatures, thermal hazards to the organic materi-
als are greatly reduced. Purity of the distillate also depends on
the film thickness. Controlling positive pressure and supply to
the heated evaporator surface will usually provide a uniform
film throughout the distillation. The absence of air molecules in
the high-vacuum distillation column permits most of the dis-
tilling molecules to reach the condenser with relatively few
molecules returning to the liquid film surface in the evaporator.
Experimental results show a relationship between the molecular
weight and distillation temperature for a broad range of different
There are several basic design variations with short-path evap-
orators. These are the short-path falling film evaporator, the
centrifugal molecular still, and the short-path, wiped-film evap-
orator. They operate at the lowest pressure of any system and are
capable of high throughput per unit size, due to their continu-
ous nature. They also offer the shortest thermal exposure to any
process (Eckles and Benz 1992). Short-path, falling film evap-
orators can handle materials with viscosities up to 5000 cP, and
the residence time, temperature, and pressure can be controlled.
This is the simplest of the short-path stills, but more current
designs use either centrifugal force or roller-wipers to spread
the feed material on the evaporator surface. In the centrifugal
molecular still, feed material is fed into the center of a heated
spinning rotor. The material is evenly spread towards the edge
and condensed in front of the rotor.

Molecular Distillation Applications

Molecular distillation, with its important characteristics of low
pressure and low temperature, gives a high potential for this
process in the separation, purification, and concentration of nat-
ural products, which usually consist of complex and thermally
sensitive molecules. Especially under high vacuum for short op-
erating times, while using no solvents, it avoids any toxicity
problems. The effects of feed flow rate and distillation temper-
ature on the extraction of minor components are related to the
yield, purity, and rate of evaporation in terms of concentrations,

distribution coefficients, and relative volatilities. Molecular dis-
tillation is a valuable processing method that is often used to
separate or purify high-boiling materials that decompose, oxi-
dize, or polymerize at elevated temperatures. This process can
be considered for industrial uses if both distillate and residue
become high value-added products. Some molecular distillation
processes are used in the production of biologically active sub-
stances such as vitamins, sterols, and antioxidants from natural
oils and fats such as the extraction of vitamin A from fish liver
and whale oil and carotenoid recovery from esterified palm oil
(Batistella and Wolf Maciel 1998, Mutalib et al. 2003, Mar-
tins et al. 2006, Bettini 2007, Fregolente et al. 2007, Shi et al.
2007c), separation of mono and diglycerides in partially saponi-
fied fats (Holl ́o and Kurucz 1968), and the refining of crude
animal and vegetable oils (Martins et al. 2006, Behrenbruch and
Dedigama 2007, Posada et al. 2007). For instance, a Malaysian
company producesCarotino

, an edible red palm oil, using
a process that involves a pretreatment of crude palm oil (i.e.,
degumming with phosphoric acid and treatment with bleach-
ing earth) followed by deacidification and deodorization using
molecular distillation (Ooi et al. 1996; Fig. 40.9). Recovery of
special components used in the nutritional, pharmaceutical, and
cosmetic areas from natural products by molecular distillation

Water phase ++ Oil phase recovery



Condenser Vent
86 °F

(30% Alcohol)
water 32°F

W. phase +
O. phase

Chilled water
32 °F

Variable Chiller

water +
Residual aroma




Condensed water
W. phase + O. phase
Chilled water


122 °F

Figure 40.9.Recovery system of water phase and oil phase in the
orange juice industry (Bettini 2007).
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