Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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Index 893

Quercetin, 681, 714–15
Quinones, 705, 716–17

Radiation, 803
Raffinose, 677
Raman spectroscopy, 847
Rational enzyme design, 147–50
Reaction kinetics, second-order reaction rates, 727–8
Reaction kinetics, zero-order reaction rates, 727–8
Reactive oxygen species, 33
Ready-to-eat foods, 796
Real-time PCR, 22, 811, 813, 842, 846
Recombinant antibodies, 864–5
Recombinant DNA, 697
Redox potential (Eh), 795
Reducing agents, 582
ReferenceDvalue (D 0 ), 731
Reference temperature (Tr), 731
Refining of edible oils, 765
Relative humidity, 92
Rennet, 15, 223–30, 472
Rennet manufacture, 224
Rennet substitutes, 225–6
Rennin, 10, 223–30
Repulsing energy Eg, 579–80
Residual fraction survivors, 730
Resistance to antibiotics, 794
Resistant starch, 572
Restriction site specific PCR (RSS-PCR), 845
Retinol, 708, 802
Retort pouch processing, 741–2
Retrogradation, 596, 656
Reverse osmosis, 697, 773–6
Reverse passive latex agglutination (RPLA), 844
Reversed-phase chromatography, 28, 32
RF heating, 749
RGI,see alsorhamnogalacturonan I
RGII,see alsorhamnogalacturonan II
Rhamnetin, 714
Rhamnogalacturonan I, 233–43
Rhamnogalacturonan II, 233–43
Rhinitis, 800
Rhizopus, 788
Riboflavin, 572, 719
Ribulose-bis-phosphate carboxylase oxygenase (RubisCO), 572
Roe, 257
ROS,see alsoreactive oxygen species
Rye, industrial uses, 668
Rye (Secale cerealL.), 654–5, 658, 660, 662–4, 668, 808
Rye bread, sensory properties, 667
Rye doughs, 655, 666
Rye flour, 601, 664, 666–7
Rye in feed, 668
Rye milling, 664–5
Rye proteins, 660–61
Rye tempering, 665

S. cerevisiae, 599, 604–5, 607
S. thermophilus, 677
S. typhimurium, 835, 870
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 598, 602, 697, 751, 825

SalmonellaDT104, 794
Salmonella enteritidis, 835
Salmonella typhimurium, 794, 858, 869
Salmonella, 728, 751, 755–6, 789, 791–2, 834, 840–42, 844–5, 847–8,
Salmonellosis, 792
Salt, 312, 333, 459–60, 474
Salting, 830
Sandwich ELISA, 810, 843
Saquinavir, 715
Sarcoplasmic proteins, 288–90, 300, 337, 349
Sauerkraut, 826, 830
Scallops, 806
Scombroid fish poisoning (scombrotoxicosis), 826, 830
SDS-PAGE, 28, 178–9, 265, 271, 660, 664, 811
Seafood, 344–60
Seafood enzymes, 247–58
Seafood enzymes, biochemical properties, 263–80
Seafood enzymes, biotechnology, 258
Seafood enzymes, in dairy industry, 258
Seafood enzymes, technical applications, 257–8
Seafood, endogenous enzymatic reactions, 256–7
Seafood, enzymatic reactions in energy metabolism, 248–51
Seafood, postmortem hydrolysis of lipids, 255–6
Secalin, 660–62, 812
Sedimentation (precipitation or settling), 766
Sedimentation processes, 766
Semidry-fermented sausages,see alsofermented sausages
Semolina, 808
Sensorgram 862
Sensors, 860–61
Separation technologies, 764–5, 768
Septicemia, 839
Serine proteases, 188, 267–8
Serotonin, 820, 822, 828
Serpins, 664
Serratia marcescens, 728
Serum albumin, 801, 803
Sesame (Sesamum indicum), 808
Sesame allergy, 808
Sesame seeds, 808, 810
Shelf life, 324–6
Shelf-stable foods, 788
Shellfish poisoning, 50
Shellfish toxins, 23
Sherlock microbial identification system, 842
Shiga toxin-producingEscherichia coli(STEC), 834
Shiga toxins, 836
Shigella, 791, 793, 834, 844–5
Shrimp, 806, 825
Sildenafil, 715
Single transgenic tomato lines, 238–9
Singlet O 2 , 709
Size exclusion chromatography, 14, 28, 271
Skin, 388–9, 396, 400, 402
Slightly acidic electrolyzed water (StAEW), 756
Smoking, 331, 338, 346, 830
Snails, 806
Snapper, 806
SO,see alsosulfhydryl oxidase
Sodium alginate, 868
Sodium chloride,see alsosalt
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