Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

  1. Teach client to protect self from infections by taking the 2. HIV dies quickly outside the body because it requires living^338 a. Avoid unpasteurized milk or milk products. f. Dishes, silverware, or food handled by a person with HIV^ h. (Very unlikely spread by) coughing, sneezing, spitting, h. Avoid vaccines or vaccinations that contain live organ-tissue to survive. It is readily killed by soap, cleansers, hot water, and disinfectants. f. Avoid touching animal feces, urine, emesis, litter boxes, following precautions: g. Animals (pets may transmit opportunistic organisms). b. Cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating. c. Cook all meals well before eating. d. Avoid direct contact with persons with known contagious e. Consult physician before getting a pet. g. Avoid traveling in countries with poor sanitation.^ ●isms. illnesses.disease.kissing, tears, or saliva.infection control precautions because of the opportunistic organisms carried by animals.improperly washed foods may transmit microbes.aquariums, or bird cages. Always wear mask and gloves when cleaning up after a pet.severely immunosuppressed persons.^ SPECIAL TOPICS IN PSYCHIATRICVaccination with live organisms may be fatal to Pets require extra Raw or
    2506_Ch19_329-340.indd 0338 2506 Ch 19 329 - 340 .ind4. Teach client/signifi^ d 0 d. Do not share personal items, such as toothbrushes, razors, i. Exercise regularly.^ transmission: e. Do not eat or drink from the same dinnerware and a. Do not donate blood, plasma, body organs, tissues, or f. Avoid becoming pregnant if at risk for HIV infection. g. Engage in only “safer” sexual practices (those l. Maintain good personal hygiene. b. Inform physician, dentist, and anyone providing care that k. Stop smoking. j. Control stress factors. A counselor or support group may c. Do not share needles or syringes. 338 semen.or body flor other implements that may be contaminated with blood you have HIV helpful.utensils without washing them between exchange of body fl uids. Smoking predisposes to respiratory cant others about prevention of uids). not involv- 1 10/1/10 9:37:42 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 37 : 42 AM

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