Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

  1. Teach the home caregiver(s) to protect self from HIV infec-tion by taking the following precautions: i. Avoid the use of recreational drugs because of their f. Double-bag client’s trash and soiled dressings in an im-^ h. Avoid sexual practices medically classifi b. Wear gloves when in contact with blood or body fl c. Wear a mask: e. Dispose of the following in the toilet: d. Bag disposable gloves and masks with client’s trash. a. Wash hands thoroughly with liquid antibiotic soap (5) Solutions contaminated with blood or body fl (3) Soiled tissue or toilet paper.before and after each client contact. Use moisturizing lotion afterward to prevent dry, cracking skin.such as anal or vaginal intercourse and oral sex. (2) Blood or body fl (1) Organic material on clothes or linen before laundering.may be worn if soiling is likely. (4) Cleaners or disinfectants used to clean contaminated (1) When client has a productive cough and tuberculosis has immunosuppressive effects. (2) To protect client if caregiver has a cold. (3) During suctioning.(e.g., open wounds, suctioning, feces). Gown or aprons not been ruled out.articles. uids. HIV Disease ed as “unsafe,” uids.●^ uids^339
    2 2506_Ch19_329-340.indd 0339 506 Ch 19 329 - 340 .indd 2. Transmission to others and infection of the client have been 1. Client, family, and signifi 0 Outcome Criteria 339 i. When house cleaning, all equipment used in care of the h. Place soiled linen and clothing in a plastic bag and tie shut^ avoided.and ways to prevent transmission to caregivers and others.not be transmitted, ways to protect the client from infections, formation presented regarding ways in which HIV can and can- j. Mops, sponges, and other items used for cleaning should g. Do not recap needles, syringes, and other sharp items. be reserved specifihousehold trash.until washed. Launder these separately from other laun-dry. Use bleach or other disinfectant in hot water.Use puncture-proof covered containers for disposal (e.g., client, as well as bathroom and kitchen surfaces, should be cleaned with a 1:10 dilute bleach cans and jars are appropriate for home use).penetrable, plastic bag. cally for that purpose. cant other(s) are able to verbalize in-Tie the bag shut and discard with 1 10/1/10 9:37:42 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 37 : 42 AM

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