Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

  • To clients with primary Axis I psychiatric diagnoses, • To clients who are homebound with medical conditions 5. Availability of support systems 4. Any recent changes (physical, psychosocial, and environmental)for clients with primary medical disorders. Many elderly clients are homebound because of medical conditions that impair mo-bility and necessitate home care. Psychiatric nurses may provide the following types of home nursing care: 6. Current medication regimen (including the client’s under- 3. Health history, review of systems, and vital signs 2. Information regarding the client’s strengths and personal 1. The client’s perception of the problem and need for assistance • To clients who are homebound for medical conditions but prehensive assessment of the homebound client: chiatric nursing home care consultation may be sought.^350 Table 21-1 identifiThe following components should be included in the com-^ habitsstanding about the medications and reason for taking)response to their medical illness receiving (and continue to need ongoing) treatmenthave a psychiatric condition for which they have been and who may develop serious psychiatric symptoms in and family require assistance with management of the ●the symptoms of which are immobilizing, and the client symptoms^ SPECIAL TOPICS IN PSYCHIATRIC es some of the conditions for which a psy-
    2 2506_Ch21_348-357.indd Sec1:350 506 Ch 21 348 - 357 .ind 9. Substance use assessment 8. Activities of daily living (ADLs) assessment 7. Nutritional and elimination assessment10. Neurological assessmentSOURCE:^ dT●●●●●●●●^ ABLE When a client is noncompliant with psychotropic medicationWhen a client has a new psychiatric diagnosishis or her medical condition When the client is suspected of abusing alcohol or drugsWhen a new psychotropic medication has been added to the regimen disorder When the client’s mental status exacerbates or causes deterioration in When a client is immobilized by severe depression or anxietyWhen a client is expressing suicidal ideationWhen a client develops a fundamental change in mood or a thought Se 21 – 1 c 1 : 350 Adapted from Schroeder, 2009.Conditions that Warrant Psychiatric Nursing^ Consultation^1 10/1/10 9:38:02 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 38 : 02 AM

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