Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1
therapeutic regime for treatment of illness and its sequelae that is Common Nursing Diagnoses and Interventions Powerlessness 11. Mental status examination (see Appendix M)^ 12. Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) scale rating (see Possible Etiologies (“related to”) unsatisfactory for meeting specifi c health goals.acute or chronic medical conditions, patterns of sleep and rest, solitude and social interaction, use of leisure time, education and work history, issues related to religion or spirituality, and adequacy of the home environment.Perceived benefifor Psychiatric Homebound ClientsSocial support defi●DefiPerceived barriers^ INEFFECTIVE SELF-HEALTH Other important assessments include information about MANAGEMENT nition:Appendix K) Pat tern of regulating and integrating into daily living a ts cits Psychiatric Home Nursing Care ●^351

Knowledge defi[Mistrust of regimen and/or health care personnel]Client will incorporate changes in lifestyle necessary to main-Complexity of therapeutic regimenDefiLong-term GoalMakes choices in daily living ineffective for meeting health goalsFailure to include treatment regimens in daily livingFailure to take action to reduce risk factorsVerb a l i z e s d i f fitain effective self-health management.Verbalizes desire to manage the illnessGoals/ObjectivesShort-term Goals 1. Client will verbalize understanding of barriers to self-health 2. Client will participate in problem-solving efforts toward management.adequate self-health management. ning Characteristics (“evidenced by”) culty with prescribed regimens cit
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