Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1
5. Provide positive reinforcement for efforts.^352 6. Emphasize importance of need for treatment and/or medica- Interventions with 7. 1. Assess client’s knowledge of condition and treatment needs. 4. Assist client in recognizing strengths and past successes. 3. 2. Identify client’s perception of treatment regimen. Outcome Criteriaforcement increases self-esteem and encourages repetition Recognition of strengths and past successes increases self-system in general.regimen.Promote a trusting relationship with the clientand fihonest, encouraging client to participate in decision-making, and conveying genuine positive regard. Client may lack full comprehension of need for treatment regimen, such as support groups, social and family systems, esteem and indicates to client that he or she can be successful in managing therapeutic regimen.wellness, In an effort to incorporate lifestyle changes and promote may be mistrustful of treatment regimen or of health care of desirable behaviors.follow-through is possible decompensation.tion.^ ●^ nancial assistance. Client must understand that the consequence of lack of SPECIAL TOPICS IN PSYCHIATRIChelp client develop plans for managing therapeutic Selected Rationales Positive rein- by being Client

2506_Ch21_348-357.indd Sec1:352 2506 Ch 21 348 - 357 .indDefi●ner that improves health status.Possible Etiologies (“related to”) Inadequate comprehensionInadequate social supportLow self-effi 1. Client verbalizes understanding of information presented Low socioeconomic statusMultiple stressors 3. Client verbalizes knowledge of available resources from 2. Client demonstrates desire and ability to perform strategies d S regarding management of therapeutic regimen.which he or she may seek assistance as required.RISK-PRONE HEALTH BEHAVIORregimen.necessary to maintain adequate management of therapeutic e nition:c 1 : 352 Impaired ability to modify lifestyle/behaviors in a man- cacy 10/1/10 9:38:03 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 38 : 03 AM
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