Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1
●^356 Caregiver not developmentally ready for caregiver roleRisk Factors 7. Assess lifelong patterns of relationships. the family caregiver role.DefiInadequate physical environment for providing care 2. Client independently pursues social activities with others. 8. Help the client identify present relationships that are satisfying 1. Client demonstrates willingness and desire to socialize with Outcome Criteria 9. Consider the feasibility of a pet. Unpredictable illness course or instability in the care receiver’s erences will facilitate success in reversing social isolation.ity characteristics will not change. Most individuals keep RISK FOR CAREGIVER ROLE STRAINent knows what he or she truly likes, and these personal pref-the same style of relationship development that they had in and activities that he or she considers interesting. others.the past.studies of the benefi^ nition:●^ SPECIAL TOPICS IN PSYCHIATRIC Caregiver is vulnerable for felt dif fi culty in performing ts of companion animals.There are many documented Basic personal-Only the cli-

2506_Ch21_348-357.indd Sec1:356 2506 Ch 21 348 - 357 .indShort-term GoalLack of respite and recreation for caregiverIllness severity of the care receiverAddiction or codependencydevelop adaptive coping mechanisms to regain equilibrium.Caregivers will demonstrate effective problem-solving skills and Long-term Goalcaregiver role.Caregivers will verbalize understanding of ways to facilitate the Presence of abuse or violenceGoals/ObjectivesFamily/caregiver isolation Duration of caregiving requiredPsychological or cognitive problems in care receiverPast history of poor relationship between caregiver and care Marginal caregiver’s coping patternsCaregiver’s competing role commitmentsd Sreceiverhealthec 1 : 356 1 10/1/10 9:38:05 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 38 : 05 AM

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