Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1
Interventions with 4. Encourage participation in support groups composed of 2. Ensure that caregivers are aware of available community sup- 3. Encourage caregivers to express feelings, particularly anger. 1. Assess caregivers’ ability to anticipate and fulficenters, and adult day-care centers. b. American Association on Intellectual and Developmental members with similar life situations. Provide information met needs. Provide information to assist caregivers with this responsibility. Ensure that caregivers encourage client to be as independent as possible. a. National Alliance for the Mentally Ill—(800) 950-NA MIwhat the client can realistically accomplish. They may be unaware of the nature of the illness. c. Alzheimer’s Association—(800) 272-3900port systems from which they can seek assistance when re-quired. Examples include respite care services, day treatment from occurring.ogy, such as depression or psychophysiological disorders, from the pressures and strain of providing 24-hour care for their loved one. Studies have shown that abuse arises out of caregiving situations that place overwhelming stress on the caregivers.about support groups that may be helpful: Release of these emotions can serve to prevent psychopathol-Disabilities—(800) 424-3688 Selected RationalesPsychiatric Home Nursing Care Caregivers may be unaware of Caregivers require relief ll client’s un-●^357

2506_Ch21_348-357.indd Sec1:357 2506 Ch 21 348 - 357 .indd 4. Caregivers express desire to join support group of other 2. Caregivers demonstrate adaptive coping strategies for deal- 3. Caregivers openly express feelings.discuss ways in which they have coped may help the caregiver encing similar life situations provide empathy and support for adopt more adaptive strategies. Individuals who are experi-each other.Outcome Criteria 1. Caregivers are able to problem-solve effectively regarding S INTERNET REFERENCESec 1 caregivers. a. b. c. care of the client.Hearing others who are experiencing the same problems ing with stress of caregiver role.: 357 1 10/1/10 9:38:05 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 38 : 05 AM
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