Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

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(^) 14. 13.^ e. d. with the typicals than the atypicals) Tardive dyskinesiaNeuroleptic malignant syndromesifistiff neck, and diffi All clients receiving long-term (months or years) antipsy- Symptoms are potentially irreversible. This is a relatively rare, but potentially fatal, complication Drug should be withdrawn at fichotic therapy are at risk.of treatment with neuroleptic drugs. Routine assessments cations, but more common with typical antipsychotics) vermiform movements of the tongue; prompt action may prevent irreversibility. face, arms, legs, and neck) Oculogyric crisisDystonia This occurs most often in men and in people younger This may appear as part of the syndrome described Dystonia and oculogyric crisis should be treated as an emergency situation. The physician should be contacted, and intravenous benztropine mesylate this frightening time. as dystonia. It may be mistaken for seizure activity. (Cogentin) is commonly administered. Stay with than 25 years. the client and offer reassurance and support during (involuntary muscular movements [spasms] of culty swallowing) (may occur with all clas- (bizarre facial and tongue movements, (uncontrolled rolling back of the eyes) rst sign, which is usually Antipsychotic Agents (NMS) (more common ●^499
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Hyperglycemia and diabetes** Discontinue neuroleptic medication immediately. Symptoms include severe parkinsonian muscle rigidity, The physician may order bromocriptine (Parlodel) or Monitor vital signs, degree of muscle rigidity, intake and studies have suggested an increased risk of treatment- Onset can occur within hours or even years after drug very high fever, tachycardia, tachypnea, flblood pressure, diaphoresis, and rapid deterioration of mental status to stupor and coma.output, level of consciousness.dantrolene (Dantrium) to counteract the effects of NMS. to 72 hours.nian symptoms.should include temperature and observation for parkinso-emergent hyperglycemia-related adverse events in clients using atypical antipsychotics (e.g., risperidone, clozap-ine, olanzapine, quetiapine, ziprasidone, asenapine, and aripiprazole). The FDA recommends that clients with dia-betes starting on atypical antipsychotic drugs be monitored initiation, and progression is rapid over the following 24 (more common with atypicals) uctuations in 1 10/1/10 9:40:14 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 40 : 14 AM

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