Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

(^500) ● ● 16. (^) ● do so might produce withdrawal symptoms, such as nausea, Drowsiness and dizziness can occur.vomiting, dizziness, gastritis, headache, tachycardia, insom-Use caution when driving or operating dangerous machinery. Do not stop taking the drug abruptly after long-term use. To (^) TO ALL ANTIPSYCHOTICSCLIENT/FAMILY EDUCATION RELATED^ *Increased risk of mortality in elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis. Recent studies have indicated that elderly patients with ●treatment, the client should undergo fasting blood glucose chotic drugs are at increased risk of death, compared with placebo. Causes of death are most commonly related to infections or cardiovascular problems. All antipsychotic testing.are not approved for treatment of elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis. after. All clients taking these medications should be moni-dementia-related psychosis who are treated with antipsy-polyphagia, and weakness). If these symptoms appear during tored for symptoms of hyperglycemia (polydipsia, polyuria, testing at the beginning of treatment and periodically there-factors for diabetes should undergo fasting blood glucose regularly for worsening of glucose control. Clients with risk drugs now carry black box warnings to this effect. They^ PSYCHOTROPIC MEDICATIONS
2506_Ch28_472-501.indd 1500 2506 Ch 28 472 - 501 .ind● ● ● ● ● d physician immediately: sore throat, fever, malaise, unusual bleeding, easy bruising, persistent nausea and vomiting, se-vere headache, rapid heart rate, fainting, diffiing time outdoors. Skin is more susceptible to sunburn, which muscle twitching, tremors, darkly colored urine, excessive urination, excessive thirst, excessive hunger, weakness, pale stools, yellow skin or eyes, muscular incoordination, or skin rash.can occur in as little as 30 minutes.Rise slowly from a sitting or lying position to prevent a sudden drop in blood pressure.nia, and tremulousness.Take frequent sips of water, chew sugarless gum, or suck on hard candy, if experiencing a problem with dry mouth. Good oral care (frequent brushing, fl Report weekly (if receiving clozapine therapy) to have blood levels drawn and to obtain a weekly supply of the drug.Use sunblock lotion and wear protective clothing when spend-Report occurrence of any of the following symptoms to the 1500 ossing) is very important. culty urinating, 10/1/10 9:40:14 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 40 : 14 AM

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