Antiparkinsonian agents, 502–510Antimanics, 447–448Antihistamines, 406–408actions of, 406Internet references on, 446monoamine oxidase inhibitors, 437–439norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitors, 428–430nursing diagnoses related to, 440nursing implications of, 440–444psychotherapeutic combinations, 439–440serotonin-2 antagonists/reuptake inhibitors, 433–435serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, 430–432serotonin reuptake inhibitors, 422–427tricyclic antidepressants, 417–422anticholinergics, 502–505route and dosage for, 448adverse reactions and side effects of, 407contraindications and precautions for, 407examples of, 406tindications for, 406interactions of, 407route and dosage of, 407–408client/family education for, 509–510contraindications and precautions for, 447example of, 447tinteractions of, 448 SUBJECT INDEX ●^643
2 2506_Subject Index_639-682.indd 643 506 Subject Index 639 - 68 Antipsychotics, 472–501 2 .indihydroindolones, 480–481examples of, 459t–460t, 472t, 476t, 477t–488t, 480t, Internet references on, 510interactions of, 464–465Internet references on, 501as mood-stabilizers, 459–468nursing diagnoses related to, 468, 493nursing implications of, 468–470, 494–500nursing diagnoses related to, 507interactions, 506nursing implications of, 507–509dopaminergic agonists, 505–507action of, 460adverse reactions and side effects of, 460–462benzisoxazole, 487–489client/family education for, 470–471, 500–501contraindications and precautions for, 460–462dibenzepines, 481–487dibenzo-oxepino pyrrole, 492–493dd 481t–482t, 487t, 490t 643 10/1/10 9:41:57 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 41 : 57 AM