(^644) Anxiety. Antisocial personality disorder, 276, 294–296phenylbutylpiperadines, 477–480route and dosage for, 465–468side effects of, 495t–496tthioxanthenes, 476–477in Tourette’s disorder, 45in adjustment disorder, 236moderate to severemoderate, 549t–550tnursing diagnoses and interventions forlevels of, 549t–551tpredisposing factors in, 294–296symptomatology of, 296phenothiazines, 472–476mild, 549tdefi^ in adjustment disorder, 241–243low self-esteem, 303–305other-directed violence risk, 297–299in eating disorders, 228–229in disruptive behavior disorders, 39–40defensive coping, 301–303defiineffective coping, 299–301impaired social interaction, 305–307 nition of, 294●^ cient knowledge, 307–309See alsoSUBJECT INDEX Anxiety disorders; Separation anxiety disorder
2506_Subject Index_639-682.indd 644 2506 Subject Index 639 Anxiety disorders, 161–175- 68 panic, in anxiety disorders, 165–167categories of, 162–163in psychiatric home nursing care, 354DSM-IV-TR classifisevere to panic, in borderline personality disorder, in sexual assault, 362Internet references on, 175medical condition and, 163nursing diagnoses and interventions forsevere, 550tgeneralized, 162–163 2 .inin separation anxiety disorder, 49–51anxiety (panic), 165–167social isolation, 172–173285–286self-care defipowerlessness, 170–172ineffective coping, 169–170fear, 167–168dd 644 cit, 173–175 cation of, 604 1 10/1/10 9:41:57 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 41 : 57 AM